A Message from Rutland Stove & Fireplace

It’s a difficult, stressful, unprecedented time in our communities right now due to the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. We wanted to reach out to our customers to let you know what we’ve been doing to minimize the risks and keep our staff, customers, and community safe.

Our showroom in Rutland remains open for now. We’ve implemented cleaning and sanitizing procedures that are in line with the CDC’s guidelines in order to minimize any risk of exposure. We’re all washing our hands frequently throughout the day, and reminding each other not to touch our faces (that can be hard!). We’re encouraging anyone to stay home if they or a member of their household is sick. We’re cleaning more frequently, with an added emphasis on disinfecting hard surfaces, especially areas where customer contact is most common: registers, credit card machines, phones, doors, counters, etc. We’re keeping hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes on hand and available for customer use. And we’re keeping a close eye on the situation to ensure we adapt to any changes in safety guidelines from the CDC and the Vermont Department of Health.

We’re also encouraging customers to do their research and preliminary shopping via our website, and to call us with any questions. If you need supplies, give us a call; we can get your order together and process your payment over the phone, and deliver your items to you in your vehicle in the parking lot. We can also ship select items to your home. We’re prepared to make any reasonable accommodations to ensure our customers are safe and feel comfortable.

We’re all in this together. We will continue to do all that we can to help our customers reduce their stress and relax. We appreciate your supporting local businesses such as ours. Stay safe and keep in touch!